Directory for New Earth
Wandering hOMe Directory
A directory of those working towards a better world for us all. Like the 'yellow pages' were to our childhood, the Wandering hOMe Directory hopes to offer a place to find all the products and services that support the world you dream of.
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Merch Shop
Optimystic Market
Our exclusive merchandise shop. Find 'The New Tin Foil Hat' umbrellas, Metatron OM hoodies and so much more
Stellar (XLM) token
OM (Optimystic coin)
Built July 2021 on stellar. Our first blockchain token. With the hope of creating the infrastructure that will allow the OM token to be utilized inside our internal Marketplace of the Wandering hOMe Directory. The OM token remains the beacon of hope for our projects to prosper on the blockchain.
XRPL Meme token
Blue Umbrella Token
The $BUT is our meme token built on the XRPL. The Blue Umbrella Token ($BUT) is stress-free experiment to learn how to navigate tokens in the XRPL. We hope the $BUT helps to find the co-creators we are seeking, while growing our community, simultaneously giving experience to knowledge needed to properly launch the XOM on XRPL. We hope the $BUT one day is a component in our vision for the Blue Umbrella Tree House - the way out of the metaverse.

Optimystic Prime
Truther. Optimystic Realist. Whether it is #talkingoutmyshift #dancingoutmyshift #singingoutmyshift or #writingoutmyshift I have been sharing my journey in real time since 2006. I believe the only way to change the world is to change yourself and people only change when they are inspired. This is my story of going into the Mystic.

Resources about Freedom on the land
Wandering Sovereign
If you want an alternative to the resources listed on the Wandering hOMe Directory under Sovereign Wanderers. Check out our collection of videos, books, articles on our telegram page. Engage in our Q and A page to gain access to our private chat. Come join the conversation about digital sovereignty on X.

The Wanderer
We put out an issue of our magazine once per year. Check out our latest and see where our vision is going!

Network of agrihoods worldwide
Blue Top Farms
Our vision is what our version of heaven on Earth would look like. A net work of sovereign farms around the world that offer hOMe for the wanderers and hands for the hOMesteaders

Gold and Silver
We believe that at this tumultuous time having Gold and Silver is to our best interest. We have an affiliate link for Quick Silver. You are able to set up monthly shipments or purchase individual pieces. With every purchase using our link you support Optimystic Prime and the vision of the Wandering Footprint.