Enriched soil helps everything grow.
Supporting the vision, encouraging evolution and transformation.
Giving life to ideas.
You give space for the dream to become reality.
The earth. The ground. The foundation.
Do you want to support our vision and help us create something extraodinary?
We are looking for sponsors to help make this an unforgettable event.
We have a 4 tier sponsor structure in exchange for advertising and space.
4 Tier Sponsorship Program
PLATINUM - $5,000
GOLD - $2,500 (2 available)
SILVER - $1,000 (2 available)
BRONZE - $500 (3 available)
PLATINUM - $5,000
'Brought to you by - you' - On all primary and secondary advertising your logo and name will be printed.
POST on social media every 2 weeks with links to your business
2 booths in market included
Full advertising page on website.
other requests are open for negotiation
GOLD - $2,500
'Sponsored by' On all primary and secondary advertising your logo and name will be included.
POST on social media 1/month with links to your business
2 booths in market included
other requests are open for negotiation
SILVER - $1,000
Your logo will appear in all primary advertising
1 booth included
POST on social media at time of sponsorship and last month leading up to event
other requests are open for negotiation
BRONZE - $500
Your logo will be included at the front entrance of the show.
1 booth included
POST on social media at time of sponsorship.
There are so many things we want to include in this event, while we are happy to build organically and wait until the future to implement some areas and events, it would be amazing to include these ideas this year.
These include:
Encouraging owners from afar with free parking - Right now owners are requested to pay for the cost of camping ($40/day)
While we are trying to support local vendors, the more unique vehicles we have attending, the more interest it will garner. In our perfect world we would off set the cost of the ferry ride to get to the island, as well as other travel costs to get here by paying for their spot.
Expanding Rental space - While having an indoor market ensures event attendance regardless of weather, Renting the exhibition field would expand quantity of vendor space, while also improving cohesion and flow through the event.
It would be great to set up a small stage where live music is played throughout the event. Sponsors would thus be given a space inside as well as outside, if they so choose.
FAMILY Zone - seed planting station, bouncy castle, bubble station, music making station, art station, photo station, face painting.
If able to raise adequate funds we would like to rent the Wallace ring at the fairgrounds for a fun area for adults and kids alike.
We aren't the only skoolie family with small kids.
It would be great for owners, vendors and patrons alike to have a place that's safe for their kids to get busy in.
Radio / increased advertisement - The better the advertising campaign, the more patrons we will reach.
8% of all sponsorship and revenue will be put into advertising campaign.
If enough funds are raised, advertising on radio for the 2 weeks prior to the event will be purchased in Victoria, across Vancouver island, mainland Vancouver and Northern Washington.
DANCE - Movement is one of the best forms of exercise, it grounds us and unites us in celebration. Ideally we would like to have a dance on Friday night that the public may attend. This would be a DJ event and alcohol and drug free.
Our hope is that this will bring the community together on the first night, with children welcome to move with us.
In the future our event will include workshops, speakers and many more activities. This year our intention is to simply plant the seed of the future, while we hope this event will be a huge success, our vision to expand is always in mind. Your sponsorship will allow for the expansion sooner.
Thank you so much for your support.
For helping us create our vision.
Love and Light- The Optimystics